Vegan Visibility Productions

is your partner in achieving high VISIBILITY and maximizing your IMPACT in the plant-based vegan and sustainable industries.

Based on their passion for a more sustainable world, founders Kathleen Gage and VLynn Hawkins combine decades of business acumen to bring you accelerated business growth and success strategies designed for proven, and profitable outcomes.

Kathleen Gage and VLynn Hawkins are on a mission to raise awareness about all aspects of the plant-based vegan lifestyle and movement by introducing individuals, companies, and organizations to The Veganpreneur Revolution™ and each other.

The “Veganpreneur Revolution™” is a combination of “vegans” and “entrepreneurs” engaged in a movement and trend where business is focused on the vegan message. Composed of businesses related to veganism as their business, those in service to vegan businesses, or vegan businesses owners of any and all types of businesses.

Our shared vision for business centers around the principles, interests and values of agile leadership, trust, innovation, collaboration, communication, education, and self-care as we further the work of a growing wave of entrepreneurs who are dedicated to promoting compassion to all beings, plant-based lifestyles, sustainable accelerated business practices, and ethical entrepreneurship.

We envision a future where businesses play a pivotal role in creating a positive impact on the world. Our vision for business is more than a professional endeavor; it’s a shared commitment to creating a better world—one where a whole-plant lifestyle, compassion, sustainability, and ethical values shape the landscape of entrepreneurship. Together, we work towards a future where businesses thrive while contributing to the well-being of our planet and all its inhabitants.

In this vision, we see business owners, their teams and businesses as catalysts for change, fostering a global shift towards a revolution, fostering a community of conscious individuals dedicated to making a meaningful difference through everything we do, the Veganpreneur Revolution™.


We specialize in developing and implementing results-driven strategies and systems to ensure entrepreneurs become highly visible to ideal clients and customers in the most effective way possible.

We understand that having the best products and services is not enough if your visibility is not a primary focus. Our expertise lies in creating and implementing aligned and integrated visibility strategies that yield the greatest results.


In today’s market, customers and clients care deeply about the companies they choose to work with. They want to know that your offers align with their needs and values. At Vegan Visibility Productions, we work with clients who recognize the importance of having an aligned message that resonates with their target market. We help you articulate your values, refine your messaging, and ensure your brand is positioned to attract and connect with your ideal audience.

Optimized time and money

We understand that efficient investment of your time and money is crucial to your success. With our strategic approach to market reach, we assure you that your investments will be wisely utilized. Our commitment to our clients is to fully optimize your time, efforts, and investments, ensuring that every action you take contributes to your visibility, business and revenue growth.


In today’s market, customers and clients care deeply about the companies they choose to work with. They want to know that your offers align with their needs and values. At Vegan Visibility Productions, we work with clients who recognize the importance of having an aligned message that resonates with their target market. We help you articulate your values, refine your messaging, and ensure your brand is positioned to attract and connect with your ideal audience.

Our integrated processes dramatically increase your efficiency and provide you with proven strategies that yield the best outcomes.

At Vegan Visibility Productions, we are dedicated to helping you amplify your message, increase your reach, and make a significant impact in the your market niche, as well as the vegan and sustainable industries. Let us be your trusted partner in achieving high visibility and realizing your goals.

Subscribe to our Newsletter to get trends, social media strategies, tips, and ideas about growing your authority, visibility, influence, and your plant-based veganpreneur business with our collaborative growth strategies. 

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