Q #1: Who can participate in the Bundle?

Doctors, Nurses, Lifestyle Medicine Professionals, Health Advocates, WFPB Entrepreneurs, Recipe Creators, and Plant-Based Vegan Fitness and Health Professionals

Q #2: Is there an age restriction for contributors to the Bundle?

Inspiring future change makers and professionals is core to the focus of the Bundle! We want to create change and who better to influence their own generation, than a young chef or vegan environmental influencer. It’s for that reason, the Bundle is open to contributions from young chefs or recipe creators, and others who we know are under the care and guidance of their parents.

Q #3: What can my digital contribution be?

You are able to contribute digital products that are immediately downloadable (no opt-in accessible) in the form of Recorded Talks & Presentations (about specific health conditions and how lifestyle makes a difference in those conditions), Plant-Based Recipes, Workouts & Mobility Routines, Yoga, Breath Work, Scientific Health Studies, Juice & Smoothie Recipes, Raw Food Recipes, Easy Plant-Based Muscle Building Recipes, Plant-Based Pet Foods, Puzzles, Coloring Book/Pages, Tips & Advice eBooks

Q #4: How do I submit my digital product?

All digital products must be submitted via pdf with a link to the product for immediate downloadable access, headshot, bio, logo, image of the product, and short product description. These items will be submitted through our Google Form Submission. Access the form at: https://forms.gle/xqgGWVwiyPixKurp8

Q #5: Who is responsible for marketing and selling the Bundle product?

Every contributor is responsible to assist in selling the $47 Bundle product. We (Vegan Visibility Productions “VVP”) will be giving a training about how you can easily promote and sell the Bundle product.

Q #6: What is the promotional marketing plan?

The plan is to do Pre-Promotion events which you will be invited to participate in and encouraged to host your own. VVP will also be training on how to do this effectively during the Bundle Marketing Training. 

The Bundle Marketing training will be announced and if you’re unable to attend it live, there will be a recording shared with all contributors.

Q #7: When will Bundle sales be open?

Bundle sales will begin on Launch Day, Tuesday, June 25, 2024 at 12pm ET. The launch event will be livestreamed via StreamYard beginning at 12pm ET and ending at 2pm ET. All contributors are invited to participate.

Sales will be promoted over a 10-day period, beginning Tuesday, June 25th at 12pm ET and ending on Thursday, July 4th, the day we are calling “Health Independence Day” at 5pm ET. Bundle sales close at 11:59pm PT (2:59am ET)

Every day of the 10-day promotional period, the team will be conducting interviews with Bundle contributors to share who they are, why they felt it was important to contribute and promote the Bundle and what they expect will be the benefits for everyone who buys the bundle. You are able to sign up to be interviewed during the 10 days at: https://forms.gle/avTKxf1EmvcifE6o7

Q #8: Will I be able to earn from the bundle sales and get affiliate commissions?

For every Bundle that is sold through your efforts, you will be rewarded with a commission of 50% of the $47 Bundle Sales, less merchant fees of 5%, or $22.32 per sale. If you create 10 Bundle Sales, you earn $223.20. If you create 50 Bundle Sales, you earn $1,116.00 and if you create 100 Bundle Sales, you earn 2,232.00.

All sales are paid out 30 days after the event concludes.

Q #9: What is in this Bundle opportunity for me? (Very important read!)

We feel there are at least these 7 high value benefits for every contributor, if not more.

  1. We are making a difference for our community. This is information for us by us, and NO ONE can do that but us, well maybe a few others who also have an intention to good by us.
  2. We all know we cannot support our community as individual practitioners working alone. It’s easy to believe we have all tried some version of that. So, we have to ask, “How far did we get?” Collaboration to uplift our community means we are a part of something greater than ourselves and that is powerful and empowering for us all.
  3. We build name recognition. Buyers get to know your name, face, and a slice of what you have to offer. You can add your contact info and let folks know you have other services, offers, or products as long as there is no sales funnel to capture the buyer's info, because people really don't want 50 more people dropping newsletters and other stuff in their inbox. This is NOT a way to build your email list.
  4. You get the 50% Affiliate Commission for the sales that use your personal link. So, it's like someone paying you to get your business card and find out more about you.
  5.  Other people selling the bundle are also spreading your name and brand recognition for you.
  6. Once you create the digital product and send it in, it can create passive income for you. All you have to do is drop the link in as many places as you can and tell your network. And tell your network to share your link, too.
  7. We are quietly coming out as health/LM entrepreneurs, which is big! We are here and we mean to make a difference. We are quietly saying we are not waiting to be invited to have a seat at the table. We are taking a bold step. We made a place, and we are sitting down for our share of this market. This could be the first step in a bigger, farther reaching game plan to help make us all more successful in the LM space. We could have so much more impact. Low risk collaborations like this are one way to test it out and build momentum.
  8. You participate in a win-win-win collaboration.